Founded by a Fisherman

The Fred Arbogast Company was founded in 1930 by a man whose first love was fishing. His interest in the sport began as a hobby and grew to be the focus of a successful business

Fred Arbogast’s to outwit the finny tribe was born one day when he was twelve years old. He and his father rode by horse and buggy to a lake near Akron where they fished all day, only to return empty handed. Young Fred felt dejected, yet determined that he would learn all he could about this challenging, and sometimes frustrating, sport of fishing. And he did.

After graduating from Central High School in 1913, Fred went to work for the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company in Akron. But his true love continued to be fishing. Night after night, Fred tinkered in the basement workshop of his home on Barwell Street developing and designing lure designs. Weekends and vacations were spent on the water testing his latest creations at favorite fishing spots.

In the late 1920’s Fred hit upon a lure idea that appeared to be a winner with bass. He designed an all metal minnow-shaped lure with a single upright hook, real glass eyes and a shiny, hinged metal tail. Fred christened it the Tin Liz.

In 1930 Fred purchased a house at 313 W. North Street in Akron where he continued to produce the Tin Liz and, at the same time, began to develop and market other unique lures.

In 1947 the Arbogast Company moved into a brand new, two story building right next door to Fred’s original facility.

At the dedication, Fred proudly announced that, “now we have all the room we’ll ever need.” Demand for Arbogast baits, however, continued to grow steadily.
A two story addition was built in 1965 on the adjoining property where Fred’s original facility had stood. The new area was put into use immediately for research and development.

Dave Porthouse, Owner and President of Fred Arbogast Company, sought to ,implement the transition into the nineties with the appointment of Sonny Coody as National Sales Manager. The long commitment by the Fred Arbogast Company to produce quality lures made the transition to new and innovative products simple to accomplish.

The Fred Arbogast Company is still a family owned operation which has expanded from a single manufacturing plant in Akron, Ohio to a company selling products worldwide, distributed from 3 separate manufacturing operations.

The Fred Arbogast Company has been in the boat with the American fishing public for well over 60 years. The Company will continue to regard its special relationship with the fishing public as its greatest heritage.

For more information contact the Fred Arbogast Company at 713-952-4068. – Lake Mohave

– Lake Mohave

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